Business Name
Hunter Valley Self Empowerment
Hunter Valley Self Empowerment
At Hunter Valley Self Empowerment, I am taking the prevention of COVID-19 very seriously.
I am using the guidance and advice from our governing health organisations and putting these high levels of prevention measures in place within the practice to safe guard you, my client.
I am very fortunate that I am located in a secluded, property away from the hustle and bustle of shopping centres.
I feel that by implementing these measures and working together with our clients, we can continue to navigate these uncertain times.
I have taken the following steps to protect my clients against the spread of COVID-19.
Please advise of the following prior to your appointment:
If yes to any of the above, we will be required to reschedule your appointment for 2 weeks’ time.
When you are at the clinic:
Reaching out for help in creating positive change in your life is an essential part of becoming a healthier, happier you. At Hunter Valley Self-Empowerment you will be offered exceptional counsellor and psychotherapist services for clients of all ages, dealing with a full range of emotional and behavioural issues.
Hunter Valley Self-Empowerment offers a range of support and treatment options including counselling, which is often seen as a shorter-term therapy approach, through to fully-customised psychotherapy.
Each client is provided full confidentiality throughout their treatment. We have compassion and empathy for the experiences of our clients. Our goal is to work closely with them to help them achieve their goals. All staff are dedicated to ensuring patients are treated with dignity throughout their treatment and involved in the development of desired outcomes throughout the plan.
Changing a behavior starts by changing the thoughts driving this behavior. The counsellor and the client work together using talking therapy and other types of activities to consider new perspectives and better, more effective coping mechanisms.
There is no way to predict what may happen next in life, and often changes occur that seem overwhelming and difficult to manage. These types of changes or events may be deeply personal, such as the loss of a loved one, or they may be directly related to behaviors that have the potential to cause harm - or may have already caused harm.
When these types of events occur finding a trusted, safe and qualified person to talk to can be a very real challenge.
Counselling is typically considered a short-term treatment option, often lasting only a few months. In sessions held with a counsellor the client is able to explore the issues behind their stress or anxiety, or their own personal reasons for engaging in unhelpful behaviours. In many cases these negative coping mechanisms are based on thoughts and negative perceptions, and learning how to examine those destructive thoughts is a significant step forward in changing unhelpful behaviors.
“At Hunter Valley Self-Empowerment, I focus on each of my clients as a unique individual, with his or her own goals and aspirations. You will be fully supported, encouraged and motivated to learn more about yourself and learn how to make positive changes in your life, even when issues in the past may have been negative and traumatic. Self-empowerment is the art of understanding yourself, in order to fulfill your potential”.
21 Cessnock Street, Cessnock NSW, Australia
21 Cessnock Street, Cessnock NSW, Australia
By appointment only
March 13, 2025 4:54 PM local time